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Phoenix 3 has risen from the ashes!

This site contains information for the Phoenix Explorer Group, meeting in Ballantrae, Ontario. Information on current or past activities can be found on the “UPDATES” page.

Several years after the first two Phoenix group disbanded , with only informal groups and meetings the 3rd Phoenix Group was officially formed in Ballantrae. It is curretly in its third year of opperation.

This Group was dedicated to the study of native traditions, nature awareness and wilderness survival using “Tracker” skills, as taught by Tom Brown Jr.  and the Tracker School.

“In my mind there are only four things people seek in life – peace, love, joy and purpose – and theses can only be found within ourselves. We must teach children to savor every moment and to follow goals directed by their hearts, not their minds or wallets. They must learn to live by their intuition, not the dictates of external ‘shoulds’ and social demands.” - Tom Brown, Jr. ; Field Guide to Nature and Survival for Children.



Information and photo's on the first and second phoenix groups can also be found HERE


Our History

Disbanding from the 7th Thornhill Venturer Company our group left Scouts Canada to have the freedom of running our program unhindered. Pictures from the period prior to the first Phoenix group are slowly being scanned and posted. They can be found HERE
The Seton Society becomes the AEBP 1st Phoenix Group.
Late in 2002 a new batch of boys were added to the group and many of the old boys topped out, having been original members of the Seton Society. The new group became the 2nd Phoenix Group.
The second Ballantrae troop was established as the 1st Raven Group. It ran at the same time as the other group for at least two years.
After several years with only informal groups and meetings the 3rd Phoenix Group was officially formed in Ballantrae. The group is currently on its third year of opperation.